Wednesday 31 May 2017

Choices in Life-


Life as  a Happy go Lucky person is best---but that is also an Attitude of genetics and Upbringing--Being too stern or stiff has no benefits, the world itself will walk away; leaves you standing alone. The trouble is in many families Happy go Lucky was seen as Hopeless,  never understanding Happiness is our final Goal really.
 In Gita in Sanskrit it is" Prasanna Chetasah"

WE  are free to make choices.....
WE make choices and accept  the consequences of our choices .

Was thinking of this from a line in a novel by Neville Shute in "Checker Board." when the British Air force Pilot Phillip Morgan is shot down over Rangoon meets a local Burmese Girl, falls in love and later marries her  and settles happily .He say to her in critical stage, written in a note :
 "WE have to take decisions and some  times they can go wrong—but still we have to take decisions and move ahead". So true and  Yes, that sums it up, in an excellent novel involving 4 persons of different background ex Armed Forces and who really understand Life,  happiness and Success and all ends well.
Amazing story and teaches so much on ordinary people and Extra Ordinary living


Sunday and Holiday time-
thinking Aloud:
I have been on Leave since 25th of April 2017 and am so glad to have taken that decision. It is a chance to catch up with lost Sleep, Rest and a Stay-cation.Yesterday we managed an evening programe of Kishore Kumars hits by Satrangi near by . This period of leave has been good as it is blazing hot 41- 43 C outside in an extreme summer -
WE stay indoors; by 11 am it is just too hot.

This time also gave me a chance to do my annual medical checks(some issues to address) . Overall resumed some things missed out. A feeling of " Born Free- Living Free" is a dream for most, but "Stay free" is a choice and now up to me to decide. Will see as the days go by. Meanwhile my Mantra is Stay Free--and live every moment with Sudha. doing what we want to do...have always wanted to -but now within limits with health .Cheers to that
ps My batch and class say -Raj we will see (LOL) You cannot manage without some occupation - you need that little occupation to keep you going. The Doctors also say that!! Hmm

Friday 26 May 2017

Ficus Trees "Fig Trees" Connects Continents

I have been sharing Nature watch &study with friends, on blogs I write and manage.
The idea was to promote Awareness in 2011 -the year of Forests and Eco protection as declared by the UNO, which is a real need. As one friend so very aptly wrote to me quote"Greening is the only way forward". But, sadly enough  in a 1. 3 B population in India and esp in Cities , very few today know of them or how protect them.
Man needs Trees and Trees also need Man to care for them; Although, I personally believe that Trees do more good to Mankind-than the reverse.
WE will cover Panchavati trees next, but- now a little more focus on the 3 very popular trees in Indian samskriti- viz. the Peepul, Banyan & Oudamber, which all  come in the FICUS -FIGS Category.  
1. Ashwattha or Sacred Fig tree (Peepul (Pipal) , Bodhi, Bo, or Po, (Ficus religiosa)
2. Banyan Fig (Ficus benghalensis) and
3. Oudamber or Gular (Ficus racemosa) sometimes known as Ficus glomerata.

DATING THE FICUS--There is no clear evidence from older fossils of Ficus trees but a  molecular clock estimates indicate that Ficus is a relatively ancient genus, seen from a previous era and maybe even millions of years old The main radiation of extant species, however, may have taken place more recently.

Among the more famous species are the Sacred Fig tree (Peepul, Bodhi, Bo, or Po, Ficus religiosa) and the Banyan Fig (Ficus benghalensis). Ashwattha (Ficus religiosa) & the Oudamber (Gulaar).

Ficus is a genus of about 800 species of woody trees, shrubs, vines, epiphytes, and hemi-epiphytes in the family Moraceae.  In the tropics, the Ficus is the most species-rich plant genus in a particular forest. Also, in Asia alone, as many as 70 or more species have been found to co-exist by study reports.FROM SOURCES:
Figs category  seem to have wide variety –
 I was mostly familiar with only Anjeer figs and that too esp in ice-creams, till I started this marvellous voage of discovery into Trees and plants. Figs are of a wide variety; for example, the Common Fig. The common names of Oudamber Figs is cluster fig, cluster tree, country fig, redwood fig, Indian fig, crattock and ju guo rong. are seen all acros india and revered;  


Amongst Pipal trees-the oldest living planting date is a Ficus religiosa  tree known as the Sri Maha Bodhi planted in the temple at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka by King Tissa in 288 BC.

The Common Fig tree (Ficus carica) is the first plant cited in the Bible. In Genesis 3:7 is described how Adam and Eva cover themselves with fig leaves when they discover that they are naked.

The fig fruit is also included in the list of food found in the Promised Land, according to the Thorah (Deut. 8). (They are wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, dates (representing the honey).
In the deserts of Midle East Dates &Figs are and have been  survival fod and alway available and distributed to all-


There are three vegetative traits unique to figs.
All figs possess a white to yellowish sap (latex), some in copious quantities;

Interesting part is Wasps- provide the pollination in the Mighty Banyan Tree -and it starts as an Ephiphyte.

The twig has paired stipules or a circular stipule scar if the stipules have fallen off; and the lateral veins at the base of the leaf are steep, that is they form a tighter angle with the midrib than the other lateral veins, a feature referred to as a "tri-veined".

Figs have religious and cultural importance in worship and for their many practical and medicinal uses.
Figs comprise a large genus, Ficus, of deciduous and evergreen tropical and subtropical trees, shrubs, and vines belonging to the mulberry family, Moraceae
Figs and Ficus plants are two terms for the same types of plants. The term ficus is used to refer to fig trees. The distinction between figs and ficus trees is used for classification.
Ficus is the scientific name of a genus of plants, which contains all of the species of figs within it. The classification names help distinguish between individual species and larger groups of related plants and organisms. Studies indicate about such 800 species of woody trees, shrubs, vines, epiphytes, and hemi-epiphytes in the family Moraceae.

Collectively known as Figs, they of the tropical origin and few in the warm temperate zone. The so-called Common Fig (F. carica) is a temperate species from the Middle East and southern Europe, which has been widely cultivated from ancient times for its fruit, also referred to as figs. The fruit of most other species are also edible though they are usually of only local economic importance or eaten as bushfood. However, they are extremely important food resources for wildlife.
