Thursday 6 September 2018

Ships Job to Shore to Retirement

Transition from Sea Job to To Shore-Looking Back
After 44 years in a Shore job, at age 73, now at a Cross Road ; 29th Aug 2018
Life span in the  70s has many subtle factors affecting living and  Medical monitoring with much Common sense and Rest and Food –and Keeping the Spirit high matters.
Prayer and Meditation helps the most-and some useful work "Seva" as possible -in any way, is Soul Satisfying. It also helps in Reflection-

WE can share our knowledge, without being overbearing (or Critical) , Contribute to Good Causes, Some Gardening and Writing our Experiences & Reflections. So, a PC or Tab is our Diary and storage for data and review –correct and reset all Schedule and basic goals.

Stock taking includes where I am now and to set some reasonable pace for the Future.
 Lifetime Experiences and relationships teach us lifetime lessons—things to build upon to have a solid emotional foundation. 
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God.” —

Turning and Looking Back at 73
My son had once asked me when he was a Child in 1980s, if I had contemplated going back to Sea at any time –Truthfully, No I said and not practicable  was the answer--as my dear wife Sudha's health needed care & Family mattered most; and there was no choice really. 
The next best was a Job in Shipping in Marine Inspections which served well and I was still on ships when I served the Madras Port Trust briefly in port and the Marine Survey.

Thus a Retd Seafarer- --transited to a Marine Survey Job –55 Years later still connected with Ships & Cargo in Marine survey doing Adm &HR support, but slowed down. It helps many people in the Employment, where I work flexi but now that seems to need a further Slow down to just Guide and Monitor from my PC at Home –
May be just once weekly to  just meet and keep in touch . Much depends on the Medical status.. Life span in the  70s has many factors and Medical and Rest and Food --Keeping the Spirit high matters Prayer and Meditation helps the most-and some useful work "Seva" as possible -in any way, is Soul Satisfying.THY WILL BE DONE --seems appropriate- ,

For an Avocation went into Training and Writing in 1985 -for shipping, inc seminars and training sessions-In  1973 wrote my first paper titled  Bulker Carrier Ops. Many years later a book on Maritime Ops and Safety in 1990. Served as Hon  Editor to 2 Newsletters inc Vikas Patrika for my Company and "Telescope" for my Dufferin Batch site.. Gave me a lot of experience confidence and helped.
Many years later for my Nature and Ships Blogs - as "Tree wallah writes" in "Prakruti Mother Nature" on a Google blog in 2009. (Stopped when Google -Airtel link was severed by airtel)

TRANSITION OVER 44 years- from SHIPS to  cover Trees, Nature, Flora, Fauna,Garden, Pets, MUSIC, festivals, spiritual study  notes, Social history & Roots & Culture -HR as Social Geography.
& Travel, but with Health limitations slowed it all by 2015.

We have to keep occupied happily and enjoy what we do and Give Back -- and it is Food for the Soul. Keeps me active; never bored and soul satisfying.