Saturday 6 December 2014

Sunsets are amazing

  • Sunsets are amazing as they show up the sky in so many colours. 
    It is not the same all over and the beauty of Creation is that sunsets do look different in places -although mostly we do see reddish streaks that fade into a dull orange, leaving a sort of dull ochre glow in the sky before making way for nightfall with sunset- then we have the Twilight period before darkness.On ships we used to observe Amplitude, and later evening Star sight position calculations at Twilight. this with great care as we measured in the era of sextant navigation.
    The sunset is a breathtaking visual lesson in the colours of the varying moods and colours of the Creation at sunset.Many singers and artists have depicted it so well
    The Marathi geet by Asha Bhonsle is one such wonderful composition.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Song : Sanj Ye Gokuli
    Singer : Shridhar Phadke
    Lyrics : Sudhir Moghe
    Music : Shridhar Phadke

    Our Ancients and Elders taught us the wisdom of lighting a Lamp in the evening -a tiny symbol of the great Sun that gave us Light all day with a traditional sloka.
    शुभं करोतु कल्‍याणं आरोग्‍यं सुखसंपदा |
    शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्‍योतिर्नमोऽस्‍तु ते ||
    This means, “O Auspicious and benevolent flame of the lamp. You provide us health happiness and peace and help us go across our negative tendencies (our shatru buddhi) Salutations to you

  • Some how sunsets look different in places- the  setting sun against the back ground of clouds and the sky which in so many ways from bright clear to a tint reddish orange or even -
    Gods creation is really amazing.
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