Sunday 20 November 2016

In Search of Roots -Part 1

In Search of Roots -Part 1

dedicated to my Family.

Reflections of May 2014.


DR. Carl  Jung has written extensively on the theory of Synchronism...
of events in Time & Space- people getting connected in some strange ways- Our own hindu Karma doctrine has stated the law of rebirth and of gunas and samskars. So some traits do follow in a family-and now science tells us DNA goes back to 7 generations.

Some things we Trikannad's seem to have is: 

1.Ships -Sea &Travel is in our Family-3 generations.

2.Flair for Writing. 

3.Faith and Respect for Spirituality per se  -(-not rituals may be)

4.Hard work and integrity in dealings.

5.Overseas working.

Some details:

This was told to me in youth by my Elders and later was confirmed at  Ramnagar in 1981..

Our paternal Grandfather-Balakrishna (Bakut ) Ajja. born in Ramnagar, 3rd son of Trikannad Bhavanishanker Rao of Kanhangad (then Hosdrug Dist). Completed  his  school there itself -He was a close  friend and classmate of Sw. Ramdas (poorva ashram is Padukone Vithal) and Ajjas close friend also . 

Trikannad's links to Anandashram is mentioned in "Glimpses of Divine"penned by late Sri Trikannad. Chandrashekar, eldest brother of our grandfather.Marriage links to Padukones is also established  

With no jobs available in South Canaras then and loss of lands and all position lost in agriculture, our people had to seek jobs anywhere--some where.

Bakut Ajja  left Ramnagar, and somewhere got onto a  Ship that went to Burma in search of a job!! In those times many sought employment in Burma, Ceylon, Malaya and especially clerks and workers were much in demand in agriculture and in administration especially by the British. I was told (and believe) his ship was wrecked in the final stages of voyage near shores of Burma and this is possible with strong tidal currents seen where the river Irawwaddy enters the sea. Bakut Ajja swam ashore....managed somehow to find help and  then get a job as a clerk in Govt due to his good command in the English language!!
Almost sounds like fiction, but as i grew up with him from the  age of 6 till 14 . I sincerely believe it was true.  
-He did not abandon his roots or filial ties and once came back to Mangalore and got married (arranged old style) to Sow. Rukma (nee Naimpally) at Mangalore but returned  back to Burma as he saw  no employment prospects in Mangalore. He was a strong willed person, proud and dignified and in fact rejected any financial  assistance and land given  at his Marriage and preferred to return back to his work . The incident was unfortunately not seen well --despite the fact that today it will be given a Salutation and Respected. The matter was in fact later a cause for sparking off much acrimony and family misgivings , but that is Life. I also feel he found the ambience in our home town Kodial to be very  orthodox and conservative and very  restrictive. It may be recalled that the tradition did not like our Community "Amchis" going overseas and often passed harsh censures on Overseas travel -However in his rented house in Lakshman Gramani st or till102A P.H.Rd but had Srimad Bhagavatam pics  inc Bhishma , Sri Rama and Ahalya painting , MK Gandhi and Nehru portrait and  was indeed  deeply Spiritual.  Every day I used to help collect Flowers froma tree between 6.30 7 am and he would offer it with his prayers Also at 10-11 am was his daily ShreeVishnu Sahasranama Reading He sponsored Harikathas and esp late Sant Keshav das(then Keshav Pai in 1954-1955 and I used to be taken to SA Hall for all of these programes. 

His outlook on Religious practice has been evident in all of us and I think it had some thing to do with  attitudes  on leaving Indian shores . 
But when a door closes on us--God opens a Window  some where  for us and Anandsashram and Swami Ramdas it was that provided the sanctuary. In fact my younger sister Nalini (late) & I were initiated in Ram Nam in 1955 itself and many other systems esp Shree Ganesh chaturti.He used to visit Ramnagar when ever he was disturbed for Peace ;but I never quite understood then--but felt the Shelter and Warmth of Ramnagar.  

In Burma the family  had lived very difficult life as the care of 8 children was not an easy task. In college years many took part time jobs and earned a bit.  Finally Bakut Ajja by his hard work rose to  be Head of the section, known in those days as a  "Head Clerk"- to the British Sahibs, a good powerful post and with his impeccable manners dress and bearing earned a good named and retired--. I think he was due yo or may have retired but evacuation  on a Steamer during WW2 with imminent Japanese attacks of Rangoon left no choice. It saw him and and most of his family  depart in what was described as the Last Boat to sail qs steerage passengers on deck to Calcutta.The rest walked back.
Returned to India and stayed in Calcutta a while .Then resettled in Mangalore for a short and stayed in Balmatta. The entire family did not quite like Kodial-gaon and so  finally moved out and settled in Madras  (same Presidency earlier) some time in 1949. They took up a rented house  in Lakshman Gramani Street Puraswalkam, Madras.
Bakut Ajja was a strong. disciplined man, deeply religious -but without tedious rituals, did his Shree Vishnu Sahasranama daily, supported  Harikathas in SA Hall. In fact he sponsored late Shri Keshavdas Pai -eminent harikatha exponent some times.
Lived life with time table in his daily chores , walks,  marketing.
I was left in his care in Dec 1950 and was raised by him for 7 years at Madras and to me he was extremely kind.He would take me on all evening walks to the market or other chores-shopping groceries etc and even to buy firewood at the Depot etc. He would always indulge me to 2 annas for a treat of a cold drink like orange crush or a  fresh hot Naan Roti near market area. He would help me in some home work and dearly cared for me  -despite many family setbacks.
I can never forget the Coat he stitched for me -see pic.
I have to thank him for developing in me Reading habits as it was sucha blessings at Sea -in Life. Also so many things about our Hindu Culture. Sw Sivananda was his favourite and he got me their DLS Book "Guide For Children"in 1953-4 and the cost was 8 Annas. --I actually read many chapters several times and it was a factor in career choice. Then there was

1.Robinson Crusoe classic at age 6-7 & Hitopadesh Folk tales -Jataka Tales (1953- all kind courtesy Grandfather). Higginbothams was a fav stop then.

2. Divine life society Guide for Children- ( in 1953 ,again kind courtesy Grandfather,cost was 8 annas- Half Rupee!! )-So many more --but leave it to Readers imagination.

I used to greet him every morning at about 6.30 am; on that day found he would not stir when I tried to shake him and called Annama. I was told to Run to Dr Acharya at Tank and reuest him to come urgently --i ran like a boy possessed and he came --but pronounced him as "no more" and said in his typical style "He is gone in early hours-- Heart Failure" and left.
I think Ajja had a premonition as he told Annama at 5 am that morning when he actually awoke quite cryptically  --
SHE: Gadial bandh jalla--(clock has stopped)
HE: Thein maj vari bandh jatha assa -(It is like me stopping!) .
It was  quite contrary to his normal wake up as he went back to Rest--and passed away --
about 5.30 time may be in his sleep. Never suffered illness and did walks and all till his last day.
 The above brief two lines exchange matter  was later explained by Anama to us.
He died in 1957 at age 72 peacefully in his sleep -RIP
2) My father, born in Burma-educated there ---joined the Armed Forces Medical services - saw action in Imphal etc decorated; after the war was sailing as a Ship's Doctor for a while- then Rangoon Port Health Officer!!--then went on to join BAMC Civil service -CMO and then returned 1962- after the Army coup.Was decorated with KIH Medal for Wartime service
3) I was born in Mangalore...was  with Maternal grandfather K.Sukumar Ajja --and my Mother.
Grew up in Madras --left home in 1963 and  joined T.S.Dufferin and went to Sea-
Mangalore- Ramnagar (Kanhangad)-- Burma- Madras  and Ships & the Sea all across...God's Grace-Angraha Kripa seems to have been with us for 3 generations .
I have liked Ramnagar philosophy as it is simple and universal viz.
" Vishva Seva Vishva Prem"--and Chanting Ram-nam. They also maintain Shree Vishnu Sahasra Naam at 5.50 to 6 a.m daily  and Shree Hanuman Chalisa at 3 pm daily.
Concluding this recall:
thought for this paper in my Personal Journal

You Don't have to Let Go of Anything.
You have to Realize that Everything has to Let Go of You.
You are not Attached to Anything in Reality.
Everything will Die and Change regardless of your Love and Attachment.....

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