Thursday 27 November 2014

Shree Subramaniam Shasti -
 27th November 2014.
The Annual Shashti festival at Vithal main event today
Sharing some recalls- 
Srimath Anantheshwar Temple at Vittal was originally Sri Anand Padmanabha Temple and later changed to Anantheshwar. It has been a pilgrimage centre specially as it has Shrines dedicated to Sri Mangesh - Lord Shiva and all the other deities in the same sanctum sanctorum. The presiding deity there is Sri Ananth and the Shesanaga is explained from the Sri Visnu Saharanamavalli No.886
Anantah: One who is eternal, all-pervading and indeterminable by space and time. Or one who has taken up the form of Adisesa called Ananta. (Explanation from R.K.Mission translation).
The other names in this connection are:

Anantaya, Anantharupaya, Ananthasriye, Anantajite, Ananthatmane.
The inscription on the entrance of the temple reads as :
"Ananta Samasara Samudra Madhye, Magnum - Sambhyudhara Vasudeva

Anantasutre Viniyojysva, Anantharupaya - Namo Namaste. 
WE living in Samsara get overwhelmed (magnam) and totally caught in the spells of Samsara Sagara -To the one who links all in creation as a Sutre -Vasudeva - to   Anantha                                                                                           
To that eternal Divine, in this form, we offer our Salutations and Prayers.
With respects,

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