Thursday 27 November 2014


Sant Kabir's  "Patta Bola Vriksh se" -Played by Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan

In India we hardly have an Autumn season with leaves turning red and  yellow falling, as seen in temperate and cold climates -

But all leaves one day will Dry and Fall-- is the lesson of the Doha ,

This is one of the most beautiful compositions from Sant Kabir's Vani -and thanks to Ustad Shujaat Khan Sahib for the musical support in sitar and vocal.|| Adding: Swami Iswarananda Giri's, discourses in “Autumn Leaves” with a pun on the words – Autumn i.e. when the leaves – leave and drop off, referring to retirement or Vanaprasth in what ever way we decide .
Today Chinmaya Mission and many others like Dignity Dialogue Forum have taken up this issue of “Griha Vanaprasth” in a changing social milieu, with dispersal of families or nuclear families and above all the isolation most Elders feel acutely. More so with smaller families...or friends and family links spread out to all corners of the globe in employment.
This shift in our Perceptions and Attitude and Outlook on Life is suited especially to those in post 55 age group and to me is a Revision and Refreshing study-more so in last few years, my work and also reading  is reduced to minimum due to a neuro problem ( most felt at my left eye junction) Also any long reading gets hampered,But short reading &Reflection -doing help me a great deal in learning, coping and decision making
Sant Kabir's Dohas- Vani  may appear as a bit sad, but in fact it  removes myths and moha- maya  as they address the Ultimate Reality. In  fact this actually has a gentle, calming effect and  Peace descends as we listen to the 25 minutes of the Kabir-vani lyrics of Dohas sung softly with gentle accompanying silken touch of Ustad Shujaat Khanji- son of the great maestro Vilayat Sitar.
The bhajan-sitar  Vaadan is absolutely Divine-
the lyrics include  " aaise vani boliye-apana tan sheetal kare-Auron ko sukha de--
Excellent-sublime and I hope all will enjoy it as much as I have
This outlook helps as we grow in years.
Shared with fellow man--friends in the spirit of Sharing

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