Tuesday 8 April 2014

My Jasmine creeper.

posted on 8th April 2014 Sri Ram Navami

Sharing my experience with Jasminum sambac ( botanical name ) .
The Jasmine (Madhvi or Vasanti in sanskrit) is a flower for all occasions and all over the South India ( (Jadi & Mullai type) dominate -inc in the busy Chennai Metro as the preferred choice

 The Jasmine takes a special place at Pooja time as the priests chants  Malati, Mallika, Shevantaki, Bakula Champaka , Ketaki etc.in pushpa archana-- 

We have a stotra on Mata Parvati  representing the Jasmine Creeper and adorning Lord Shiva .Most all "Sugandh" is Fragrance and synonymous with Jasmine ..and is in Lingashtakam -
Sarva sugandhi sulepita Lingam-Buddhi vivardhana karana Lingam, Siddha surasura vandita Lingam Tat pranamami Sadasiva Lingam----Meaning; I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,Which is anointed by perfumes,Which leads to growth of wisdom,And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras.
Jasmine -Malli--

Some varieties are so pretty to look at eg.Gundu Malli  but without fragrance but still so nice.
Malli -Mallika-  as it is called in southern part of India obviously comes from the full name Malati.
I had planted two very small plants called Nitya Malli in the earth on North and West side in my small compound in 2004. 
Honestly I feel some plants come to us by sheer Grace- Anugraha as they both some how grew well despite the fact  I had enthusiasm for plants and trees but little l idea of how to handle a Jasmine Creeper.
The north side creeper climbed   up the wall and went onto the  adjacent shed.
The western side creeper  was taken onto the Frangipani Tree.
All I did was  to ensure watering and occasional Soil change and manure.
In fact they seem to be hardy plants (creepers) and  just grew to a height of about 15 feet with sweet smelling Flowers at the top.
After Rains esp. they would bloom even more and exude a delightful fragrance.
All well went ---till  I called in a Helper to Trim the dry vines and dead wood as pest control isa reality in every garden .Trimming at aheight is difficult and calls for great care.Periodic trimming and pruning is necessary to control the drying out vines. I had just been absent for half an hour ( for a late breakfast on sunday) when the Helper  clipped all the Jasmine Vines on the Creeper in our house frontage and wrecked the entire Plant.-Dear God ...Helpers!!
Vines dont grow -new have to sprout ...OMG

Do not employ Helpers who dont understand Garden work...
I spent a week to understand the Jasmine Creeper as very little  information is available to suit Local conditions--I share my learnings with all --who may want to plant this delightful Creeper .
1.I went through all blogs and found there are so many Varieties of Jasmine and  names confuse . Most relate to varieties grown  overseas esp in Colder conditions. Finally came across
2 The local Flower stores ( who deal in horticulture) and sell Plants-Saplings and other garden material  have no Botanical knowledge .Most are just sales persons to push sales and were of no help in plant advice.
3. I finally asked around and thr Gardener who tends the corporate properties at the end of Greenways Roads was quite helpful.
4. I learnt some lessons on this Jasmine -NItya Malli aka Chameli as it is called in north india. This  site covers a lot -http://designgreenindia.com/2013/06/best-tips-for-growing-spanish-jasmine-chameli/
5. Just adding on to what I learnt--5 Tips.
1) In India it is best to grow in the earth as it really grows and spreads to heights and across ; a spot with adequate sunlight.
A mixture of Red Earth (sem-mann) & Cowdung mix is sold  in all places for Rs 100/per gunny bag. Thie sapling to be planted in the ground after digging in and  is to be kept moist and with drainage. 
2) Daily Watering is needed -esp in Chennai wher it can be extremely hot from April till August
3) Fertilsier -have used only Neem Oil solution, Organo & Compost is available in packets at Rs 30 each.
Replenish Red earth and cowdung mix when   the plant needs a pick up--
4) Neem Oil Spray was used.
5) Trim dried out vines with care--

Happily a few new new Vines are sprouting in the earth- this time I will be more careful
I learnt that trimming  of new vines  helps to propogate new vines and leaves and Flowering.
Plan to use a wire grill to guide the creeper on to the grill by tying a string near the tip of the plant.
Will nurture them with greater Care.  
The plant will flower in a few months

Other names are Jasminum grandiflorum (chameli ) Spanish jasmine.


  1. Thanks for the tips. I too had a beautiful creeper of the same Nithya Mali plant, I could string three molas of garland with the flowers it used to give which I used for my Pooja and I enjoyed this. Sadly something went wrong and now the leaves are not healthy and somehow I don’t get any flowers at all. Will try what you have suggested.thanks

  2. Greetings
    I am sure your Jasmine Creeper will Bloom and Grow well Regards TR
