Thursday 10 April 2014

Reflections in April, 2014-

On 31st. March we have the fin year ending which this time also coincides with our New Year of Yugadi; also for many in India. Tamil New Years day and Vishu and others follow in mid April.
Writing in a reflective mood -
For me the last year was one that can be best described as a Dizzy Bizzy Crazy year. Add in medical and all--But that's Life too- more seen with age and today perhaps a bit more stressful.

thought"Destiny is not something we choose, but rather some thingm that walks closely and quietly beside us"
Of things that we may be even unaware of even.
We all now live in a world where personal circumstances may vary totally & more so with this potpourri in India, soaring inflation and a service sector --inc Banks, Insurance, esp Mediclaim, Hospital-treatment that is spinning out of control as compared to the very simple and easier times till the 80s. Even working hours have changed and meeting at a dinner table is now a thing of the past..

Chai Time meet is a luxury and become rare!!However, we still have to make choices and take decisions setting simple goals and resolutions. 
So what all really matters most :
1) Time , Health & Energy Management to suit present day needs of our "body clock takes priority and helps a lot.--any age group.
2) Renewal of Friendships (and Healing) is a vital part but often lost out with job or other pressures piling up still ! but somethings just cannot be put on hold too long either.
Meet all your close and special people -
3) Catch up with all personal pending items -inc domestic,finance and set in order.The list seems just endless; Sounds very basic & so simple, but working this out takes commitment anjd application and time.
4) De -Clutter or in sailors language JETTISON, all unwanted Baggage and Focus on essentials is what I keep telling myself-as we often seem to get into too many hassles at times.
Gentle but firm speech & words and above all keep cool helps a lot.

5) Finally we decide where want to go-Direction and Course to Steer.
"A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."

Yugadi 31st march 2014.

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