Friday 11 April 2014

Growing Trees in metros.

Growing Trees in metros.

Let us first take a look at the Value of a Tree --
1.Trees generate Oxygen -removes CO2
2.Recycles fertility and soil erosion control,
3.Creates a Natural air pollution control system,  
4.Provides shelter for birds and animals--
5.Shade  for all mankind and creatures ;
Besides providing flowers, fruits.

So, when even one tree is cut, the city loses, mankind loses , all lose--

Trees in smaller spaces in metros--- Aerial Growth space. -

This pic has a Neem about 45 ft tall, a Bilwa of abt 30 ft and a Cotton Tree outside even --
This is seen at Sringeri Math Temple at Mandavelli, Chennai.

In my small compound-started in 1982-
Pic shows a Neem in my compound in 5 ft space -over 30 years.
In the rear space we managed 2 Coconut trees as we have 40 x 10 ft space only..

What is needed:
1) All that is required is Aerial Growth space,
2) A little care in pruning in growth stages will ensure branches do not spread horizontally and the Tree will grow well--vertically. Water the tree and care for it
Some trees can be grown and managed more easily --but Ficus genus like Ashwattha, Banyan and Oudamber will need more space and cannot be managed in small spaces. With the Metros buildings  crowding in more daily and Builders not giving much space for Greening --we have to carefully choose  suitable trees -to Plant and Take Care .

Think before you cut a tree!

Just a little care and concern--and assistance
Trees need this care and we need Trees

Nature is GOD!
Conservation is Prayer! 

Respects to All 


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