Sunday 18 May 2014

Shree Durga Devi Temple KARLA: -

Shree Durga Devi Temple KARLA: -visited and darshan of July 2013. 

The Vision of our Seers is amazing and when Shree Trust was first spoken of about 24 years ago, we never knew this loction even-i.e.-before construction even- when heard of it in in Chennai) -
most of us never even knew the place.
Then followed the fund raising, many hurdles and all-- but finally in early 1990s was constructed and then progressively developed. For me and my family visits -darshans as the Chennai -Mumbai trains stop at Lonavla.
A Sabbatical- rest at the Shree Durga Devi Temple & the Sanjeevani Samadhi of Pujya Sw. Parjnanashran is a great blessing. In recent years the wonderful Saptha Seva by Mumbai Sabha weekly batch volunteers and meeting them-their gracious -kind Hospitality and seva assistance is so touching-

Grateful thanks to All.
The Vision of Pujya Sw. Parjnanashran to select such a special location for our Shree Durga Parameshwari temple is amazing -Shastang Namaskar
Salutations & respects -
“God made a beauteous garden
With lovely flowers strewn,
But one straight, narrow pathway
That was not overgrown.
And to this beauteous garden
He brought mankind to live,
And said "To you, my children,
These lovely flowers I give.
Prune ye my vines and fig trees,
With care my flowers tend,
But keep the pathway open
Your home is at the end."

God's Garden”
― Robert Frost

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