Monday 30 December 2013

RECONCILIATION Year ending 2013 diary jotting shared .
Stayed up late in a reflective mood -reconciling events of life in 2013. Went over the last 3 years as so much has changed and so fast .It has been some Gains, Growth, Giving back and yes also with some  Losses---- and Sadness too in the journey..I will not go over the details but summarise just 5 points viz: on Health & Home  which is what finally matters at this stage for me
1) Health- Osteo /Stenosis  & MG creeps on me-tiredness comes on fast on some days ; have adjusted accepted.... Commuting &Travel limitations felt. With borderline MG, It really depletes my energy. Cut down commuting and travel; Now prefer to stay at Home unless essential..
2) Garden work is limited as physical limits is increasingly felt . However, can still tend  the plants and trees inc pest control protection with some manual help.
3) On social -Most friends have moved away, lost a few too inc batchmates.
Now  hardly any  are left  to talk to or even communicate. Except FB friends. Our Yahoo batch site has dried up. The  Generation gap  is evident and all Elders face this and admit it in Chennai. City commuting is also a real hassle and thus social interaction has been greatly lost. Many Elders now prefer to keep to themselves or watch cricket or TV serials.--That is now clear-
4) I prefer Hobbies and the versatile multi media Computer and my family time, Music&  Home chores /management keeps me going with the loving support  of my wife Sudhas help. Greatest Joy and fun-- Grandson Keshav  and chatting and sharing with my youngest sister Shobha.
5) Journalling and writing my new blogs on Marine Nostalgia and Reflections -with photographs on blog posts and Recalls helps to bring in perspective with a balance.
Fortunately in 2013 less office work -(on Retainer for by choice)  and the recession alters much  
  • I realise that everyone is having some struggle and managing bravely.
  • I have learnt to accept Life with no illusions.
  • Also that  the best  years are over as health limitations tell.
  • Adjustment & Acceptance of life and its joys and trials and all with Acceptance.... is the road Ahead.
  • Be kind to all , Speak gently and do our best -
  • Greatest belief : GOD PROTECTS

Tried to maintain a balanced perspective in this year ending exercise.It was a mix of some Gain, Growth, Giving back and yes also some Losses with Sadness too.     

Any such exercise has to have a Reconciliation plan for Resolutions  or else it just remains a rewind or rehash....

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Homes-Recalling Burma

Recalling Burma-

My family was in Burma for over two generations till 1962.Pic is of my fathers house in 1960; Father standing by his Landrover .Burma has been a curious mix of politics and Military control for over 50 years and yet it is really a land of simple Happy people, Fields of Rice, Pagodas, Buddhist culture & prayer, love for fun , the Water festival.
Yes, with poverty rampant (esp. post WW2) and external influences impacting covertly all around, Insurgency (and Dacoits) has been a threat.
The West states Human Rights violations but many times these opinions are not always supported by common people who really see no difference between Dictators, the Military or Corrupt leaders.
God alone knows what are the facts now 

For me-on my last visit in 1962 an IAC night flight DC2 (Dakota) via Nagpur to Calcutta and then a Fokker flight  to Rangoon. For me that holiday was pleasant. I saw  a quiet countryside with friendly people and an assortment of tasty food especially at Scott Market cafes. There was not much change between Burma in Dec 1951 and visiting last in Jan 1962.
Some traces of colonial life have stayed in all former colonies.
But the Junta & Coup changed all that. Now in the last decade reports seems to indicate some opening for safe tourism--
Time Changes all,
Novels of another era-
One of my fav novels was The Chequer Board---by Neville Shute, of late 50s. -
In my search through my debris of books and accumulated stuff in a "De-clutter home" operation, found the book intact . PAN books of UK; absolutely stained and old, but still intact. I was astonished to read in the old style preface quote.
"Tis all a chequered board of nights and days,
Where Destiny with men for pieces play.
Hither and thither moves , and mates and slays,
And one by one back in the closet lays.
(translated by Edward Fitzgerald )
from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --
The novel features a John Turner in WW2 who travels all across in his later years to visit some three - he met in a hospital ward after the War --This includes one section esp Burma and a  RAF Pilot-Burmese girl and a very nice , simple & sweet story.  


I have written on my Dakota DC3 trips of 1951 and 1962 coming to Madras and going back to Rangoon after completing school.
I had a complete refresher of the Rangoon scene in 1962 visit , but later that year the Army Coup came.
I am able to recall and connect to Burma due to 2 factors:
1. I was relatively older when I first left in 1951 Dec at age 6 to start schooling in Madras.
2, Then I visited Rangoon in Jan 1962 after school -it was 10 years later, but Burma had not really changed as it was a totally closed economy since earlier times.Time had stood still in Burma.
After the Junta; army coup in late 1962,the Army order came to send out all Non Burmese citizens..
My late Father's heart attack, he survived, managed and left; returned to India on a cargo passenger ship.
Madras city alone saw the maximum refugees totally devastated --but unharmed.
Burma virtually closed till about ten years ago, then sort of opened up partly for Tourism
To think the whole sub continent was one, easy travel friendliness till WW 2--How Time changes all .
Countries, Families, People divided as Nations Rulers change and make new  rules, draw hard lines that were never meant to be in one creation of God.
In many way,  Burma is a place that the World also forgot, lost in the sands of time. 

Of  an otherwise happy country, of simple people managing  in an agricultural economy and preferring to be left alone to manage their home and families.
God Knows -
Recommend see

excellent pics on normal life in Burma today.
Women in Burma-well written on their good status I have seen personally

Thiho Shin Pagoda (Photo from  tourism site ack with thanks )

Thiho Shin is one of the most famous pagodas in Pakokku, built by King Alaungsithu. The pagoda contains an image presented by the King of Ceylon some 800 years ago and the image is one of the most revered in Myanmar. Thiho Shin pagoda festival is held from 8th waxing day to 10th waxing day of Nayon every year.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Our Vedic Heritage 001.


Shree Gita Jayanti & Mokshada Vaikunta Ekadashi today 13th Dec 2013..
thought "If Indians would study open- mindedly their own spiritual legacy and empower themselves with its spiritual practices, then they can not only restore their country to its lost greatness, but can make India a global spiritual superpower."~ Michael Cremo- Vedic American scholar
Permit me to share a few thoughts in all Humility -on the Mahabharata :

  • As the Epic  title itself states -the  Greatness of Bharata, from Maharishi Vyasa & Scribe Ganapati is in our Epic-Puranic lore and many Authors have written commentaries

  • We actually have > 4 major Authors, writing Commentaries in local language on the Mahabharat- (and many more less well known too)  Kumara Vyasa (Kannada) , Thunchath Ezuthatcchan (of Kerala in Malayalam, Nannaya and others in Andhra,  Villiputura (Tamil) in South India--Overall Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra in local languages,  seem to have given greater regard for this purana.
  • Tamilnadu seems to have  maintained a somewhat different path even earlier with a view and claim that Tamil is not derived from Sanskrit  -and had a different origin -not vedic ?..The reference to a "caste" and the duties has often been a flare up point, despite the explanation that it is Varna ashrama and based on Gunas & then Karma related.   
    What ever be the final opinion and facts on this- it may be ackd that today this argument is not really relevant any longer as the world has moved to a new "Global Culture" and local politics, worn out debates  and pathetic media leanings  have no place in Man's quest for Knowledge and Peace.
  • In Man's Quest for peace and better awareness, he seeks all avenues across the Globe, anywhere, everywhere and this is evident.
  • .We have now more  Western scholars and pilgrims from many nations coming to India to study our shastra, yoga, ayurveda and also fine arts  and doing better. Most of  them are very sincere and thorough, highly dedicated and disciplined  which our locals often do not even realise. 

  • Looking at the southern scholars & writers on the Mahabharat.

  • Kumara Vyasa  (the pen name of Naranappa), under patronage of King Krishnadevaraya, on Vaishnava literature, was one of the most influential scholars in Vaishnava writings.
  • Legend says according to the Adi-parva of the Mahabharata (81, 101-102),  original text 8,800 verses was contained when it was composed by Maharishi Veda Vyasa,  but in all recent books 1 lakh and 8 verses are stated.
  • From 1500 -1800-period  4 Major Local regional language Scholar-Writers  prevailed, as it  takes on detailed study and writing on even "One lakh and eight verses" -which only a Maha Muni can achieve -not mere Writers. amongst these great scholars Thus we see a few perceptions vary, but these scholars  have generally agreed on all major aspects of Dharma and its maintenence. 
    This has percolated to us ( and english translations included) and references are seen or heard in Harikathas, Satsanghs and Pravachans all year round.
  • DHARMA in it's Vishesh & Samamnya context of Shree Krisha's Upadesha  is quite  complex and subtle and not always easy to understand. If taken out of context it causes needless debates. Such study and swadhyay calls for total Shraddha & Vishwas and the Bhakti to gain some amount of  Jnaana and that too only with the  anugraha kataksha with the blessings of Mother Saraswati. The twin modes of learning are Satsangh and Swadhyaya with the Grace of . the Acharya in Guru kripa, which  is essential to progress.
  • NOTE
    Recent english  commentaries have never achieved a desired standard as they are critical reviews by arrogant writers with no bhakti - bhavana and mainly written with an egoistic, critical and populistic outlook. This attitude also sadly  tends to reflect on the receptivity of many Indians and tends to dominate. Many of the  present day Indian writers and  especially  media seem to believe they can write or comment on anything, as they wish. This is all done with a glib pseudo intellectual outlook per se, to gain attention which ultimately is a very temporary phase and soon dies out and their views are all forgotten.
  • Only the major missions starting with the  Ramakrishna Mission and others have done full justice and indeed rendered yeoman service with Geeta Gyana Yajnas, Satsangh, english text explanation and even Cds and Cassettes reasonably priced.

  • The interesting part is many Western Authors have written on all this quite well. The greatest credit  goes to the visionary  comment from Sir Warren Hastings who had first arranged for a copy of the  translation of Gita to English!! His note in the Gita english edition is now included even  in the RK Mission Gita preface and is a must read.
  • Quoted below:The Gita’s wide appeal by Lord Warren Hastings
    The Bhagavad Gita was first translated  into English by Charles Wilkins in 1785 and published by the British East India  Company with an introduction by Lord Warren Hastings, the first British  Governor-General of India, in which he prophetically wrote: “The writers of the  Indian philosophies will survive when the British Dominion in India shall long  have ceased to exist, and when the sources which it yielded of wealth and power  are lost to remembrance”. He further wrote “I hesitate not to pronounce the  Gita’s performance of great originality, of sublimity of conception, reasoning  and diction almost unequalled and a single exception amongst all the known  religions of mankind”.
    • CONCLUDING" Like the No. 9 numerical total the Mahabharata  and Gita  is significant  as Stithaprajna. So too shall our vedic shastra and lore.
    • The lessons of the Mahabharat & Gita will stay and Guide us always.
    • With Respects 
    • TR

  • Monday 9 December 2013

    Reading & Reflections, 001

    Novels of another era-
    One of my fav novels was The Chequer Board---by Neville Shute, of late 50s. -
    In my search through my debris of books and accumulated stuff in a "De-clutter home" operation, found the book intact . PAN books of UK; absolutely stained and old, but still intact. I was astonished to read in the old style preface, this quote.

    "Tis all a chequered board of nights and days,
    Where Destiny with men for pieces play.
    Hither and thither moves , and mates and slays,
    And one by one back in the closet lays.

    translated by Edward Fitzgerald (from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam) --
    The novel features a John Turner in WW2 who travels all across in his later years to visit some three - he met in a hospital ward after the War --This includes one section of Burma and an RAF Pilot- one American and British soldier for a goodwill visit and all about their lives-
    Read it at Sea during my sea career several times in mid 60s- Maybe, later have scanned thro many more times..some passages later; Loved it and treasured it .

    Chequer Board is to say the least-just amazing and fascinating of ordinary people -who lead "extraordianary" lives and quietly with great sincerity, dedication and passion ; A story set in a time all but forgotten now--I liked it more because of my family and Burma connection, my late fathers Army service and in Burma lasting about 1890- 1962. Cant read this dull brownish stained print easily and soiled with Time..but will try and go through slowly--I have Ocular MG -restricts this. Books were my fav pastime from age 6 till a few years ago. (maybe see if i can get it on a Kindle E-Book Reader !! Maybe --_


    Sunday 8 December 2013

    Reflections on Punya Shravana Keertana -Abhangs

    Series 002

    Our Vithal Shasti today at Sreemath Anantheshwra temple, and we take the lords name in Abhanga -with Bhaktajan Vatsale
    Bhaktajan Vatsale -abhang from Sant Namdev is so simple and yet so rich in meaning and depth-Simple translation-
    1) Ye hi ho Vittahale-bhaktajana vatsale -is the fervent Call of the Bhakta- the Seeker to Lord Vitthala, sung with devout faith to come and grant Moksha..Mukti
    2) Karuna kallo re Pandurange- The bhakta-seeker calls to the Karuna Compassionate Vitthala.

    2) Sajala jalada dhara pitambara paridana--is a brief Varnan (description) of Lord Vitthala's apparel cloth of pitamber colour and Varnan is a part of stotra & bhajan to describe the Lord as seen by a bhakta The figure of speech (metaphor) in the likening of complexion of Vitthala to a dark rain cloud is very often seen in descriptions of Shri Krishna in so many Bhakti lyrics across all of India by all poets and singers. -sajala jalada dhara pitambara paridana
    3) Yehi hi uddharane,...KeshiRaje-4--You alone are the means -way "uddharane" addressed to Keshi Raje-To Keshava -is one of Lord VIshnu's names
    4) Nama mhane- tu vishvasachI janani --Chanting the Nama (name) alone is precribed all Sants till date as a way to Mukti- The words now take us to the Divine Mother "Jagad Ambe” sought by Namadeva -
    5) Kshirabdhi Vasinee-Jagad-ambe-lines to Divine Mother "JAGAD-AMBE" refers to Shri Mahalakshmi Devi-consort of in Shri Vishnu in ksheer-sagara and she is OM Shree Prakruti Namaah the first Name in the Ashtottara...-
    Sant Namadevs words acknowledges the Divine Mother seen in Lord- as one. Prakruti & Purusha and as we say Lakshmi Narayan, Uma Maheswara and so on
    FINALLY: Nama manhe -"Vishwasa tu Janani" totally acks the Divine Mother-and the Lord as same in complete faith. In our tradition Bhaktas see the Divine as Mother like a child seeks and so the Divine Mother worship of out great tradition .
    The Universality of the divine in worship is thus seen.
    Total, implict Faith –is Vishwas and can be understood as Vishwa-Swaas, the very breath of Life and addressed to "JAGAD AMBE". The Divine only created the Universe after all- (Shraddha -Bhakti-Vishwas is the core). See the ref to this word (name ) in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama &Gita.
    And finally that the Chanting of Lords name with ----Namah - of Vithala (& Mahalakshmi ) takes us across samsara .This is to chant of the earnest Seeker-

    So divine..--just listening and with words and meanings is even much better-

    Bhajan Sampradaya integrates people and cultures.


    (Bhaktajana vatsale in  raaga Vrindavani Saarangi)