Friday 6 December 2013

Home & Family series 003

Home Alone (not the Movie )

Relationships- Why do we feel Isolated today?

A query asked in many forums and now in many age groups today is:

This extends to even under 50-60 age groups (not just senior citizens) and was  taken up some time back in a Heritage Foundation. This emerged:

1.The scene now in India especially in Metros is of many simple routines altered;        they have vanished with work and priorities altered across all over in India.                  TV Serials and  Cricket daily,  infact almost throughout the year have taken over in India mainly. Overseas it is not so nor so many TV channels.

2.Traffic and crowds also affects social calls with distances and expenses.

3. Heart to heart talks esp neighbourly chats , meals together and simple chai meets have reduced in many places to almost nil. TV watching often discourages visitors.

4. Own bedrooms with attached  TV and all facilities for privacy has led to Detached Families was a major outcry....but is a part of affluence in life now.
5. IT. /Laptop/ Mobile, Social online sites etc with advanced  Technology is fine, but not quite a substitute, as just does not a replace personal touch.
( Cut paste fwds do not  not really help to bond-and today we have a flood of it). 
Nothing is really shared now with dispersal of families and timings -
Few will admit this, but Research has shown up with Isolation and Depression increasing -
BBC Medic survey in fact attributes Health setbacks due to this isolation amongst elders.
Meal times is seldom shared in India -altered work timings changed in a 9-9 rat race, sees home life disrupted and a Rush Rush -stress dominating.
Go to UK or Europe or  Singapore, where Lunch hour is fixed and no compromise, sees a sharp out  and in on time.Try altering their recess hrs on overseas business tours and you will be left standing alone on the sidewalk.Only we in India seem to have changed  this. WHY?
So what can we do . 
What matters and 5 Tips I  may suggest.

1) Meet people -share anything inc a simple Chai a cutting chai even. Just  20 mts chai meets helps.

2) Write personally, with a gentle touch.
Today we can write a nice letter if we want to. This is not an english composition or grammar test as in school to score brownie points. It is a Personal Contact on Email. We can add in pics too. Use to max advantage IT facilities in communication and the host of facilities available.
3) Share your Blogs and pics with  Picassa ,Slideshare etc,
Some one-- make  new friends will join and we broaden our circle of interest.
4) Select common topics; search and find them.
5) Now onto on a simpler and lighter  note take those  songs, to share on communication--which says it all :
Dakhiya Dak Laya features a Rajesh Khanna scene in a film-
Dont forget that great favourite of 70s "Hey, Mr Postman do you have a letter for me, by Karen Carpenter; my all time fav in Carpenter series--listen in at


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