Thursday 5 December 2013

“PRAKRUTI -Mother Nature” blog

Sharing on nature with Friends---
If you like Nature.. Trees. Also Weather, Climate etc.please visit  
“PRAKRUTI -Mother Nature” –blog was started on 25th Dec 2010

As Airtel ID -Google link split, the ID ceased. I was unable to post or edit new posts .So it is now Read Only.

It has a focus on "Sthala Vrikshas" i.e. Temple trees linked to Hindu shastra, Graam Devatas, Temple culture etc and Vedic teachings is a focus in this.
Please join and contribute ideas-
Many experiences have  inspired me to  has turn more to Prakruti and to write also in Facebook in a group titled "Pancha Mahabhoots -5 elements".
My experiences in Life  brought me to a steady shift towards Nature as in our Vedas. Call it go green, ecology, environment or  religion or what ever, as you like it but it is essentially on nature.

“PRAKRUTI -Mother Nature” –blog was started on 25th Dec 2010

Sthala Vrikshas means the special tree of the location, devata and the Temple. All trees are linked to Hindu shastra -Vedic teachings and some have an extra special place is a focus in respective temples is a focus in this blog. 

Vrikshaa naam Pataye namaha 

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