Monday 30 December 2013

RECONCILIATION Year ending 2013 diary jotting shared .
Stayed up late in a reflective mood -reconciling events of life in 2013. Went over the last 3 years as so much has changed and so fast .It has been some Gains, Growth, Giving back and yes also with some  Losses---- and Sadness too in the journey..I will not go over the details but summarise just 5 points viz: on Health & Home  which is what finally matters at this stage for me
1) Health- Osteo /Stenosis  & MG creeps on me-tiredness comes on fast on some days ; have adjusted accepted.... Commuting &Travel limitations felt. With borderline MG, It really depletes my energy. Cut down commuting and travel; Now prefer to stay at Home unless essential..
2) Garden work is limited as physical limits is increasingly felt . However, can still tend  the plants and trees inc pest control protection with some manual help.
3) On social -Most friends have moved away, lost a few too inc batchmates.
Now  hardly any  are left  to talk to or even communicate. Except FB friends. Our Yahoo batch site has dried up. The  Generation gap  is evident and all Elders face this and admit it in Chennai. City commuting is also a real hassle and thus social interaction has been greatly lost. Many Elders now prefer to keep to themselves or watch cricket or TV serials.--That is now clear-
4) I prefer Hobbies and the versatile multi media Computer and my family time, Music&  Home chores /management keeps me going with the loving support  of my wife Sudhas help. Greatest Joy and fun-- Grandson Keshav  and chatting and sharing with my youngest sister Shobha.
5) Journalling and writing my new blogs on Marine Nostalgia and Reflections -with photographs on blog posts and Recalls helps to bring in perspective with a balance.
Fortunately in 2013 less office work -(on Retainer for by choice)  and the recession alters much  
  • I realise that everyone is having some struggle and managing bravely.
  • I have learnt to accept Life with no illusions.
  • Also that  the best  years are over as health limitations tell.
  • Adjustment & Acceptance of life and its joys and trials and all with Acceptance.... is the road Ahead.
  • Be kind to all , Speak gently and do our best -
  • Greatest belief : GOD PROTECTS

Tried to maintain a balanced perspective in this year ending exercise.It was a mix of some Gain, Growth, Giving back and yes also some Losses with Sadness too.     

Any such exercise has to have a Reconciliation plan for Resolutions  or else it just remains a rewind or rehash....

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