Wednesday 4 December 2013

Home & Family series-001.

    Sharing on Marriage after  42 years as friends often ask and query on my life's experiences
  • A long journey, from engagement in 1971 till date. Travelled a lot, sailed and with my wife with me for few years then settled ashore when the kids and family became a main priority.
  • Me in a shipping job even after I left sailing when our first child arrived. Then working  7 x 24 x 365 and short breaks only  to keep home going but decent Life and conditions -no luxury or frills; but a good decent life and  was able to catch up with childrens matters, beaches parks and annual holidays and simple meals outside occasionally.Add in time spent on PTAS, Clinics, Hospitals. Also, much time in Hospitals -frequent and long treatment for my dear Sudha. God Protected always,through all the travails.
  • When both our children were grown up, I found more responsibility adding on each year .Our 2 kids grown up and their share of whatever.OMG !!! Some experience, with loads of ups and downs like on a Roller Coaster of Life.
  • Best relaxation was Music and Nature, garden to keep life going pleasantly.It helped the most and with a lot of Swadhyaya and Reflection as a personal study to cope .Add in Sabbaticals, Retreats and spiritual Camps which helped greatly.Many Teachers along the way -
  • Yes,  a veritable pot pourri of experiences -much learning too.Hmmm and we some how managed and in the introductory note pic of 2009 (previous post), I am literally dozing off. Maybe just a sign of being very tired, and age catches up too plus a few health limitations,but ok and quite content and Thankful.  
  • FINALLY: Some fun and laughter, but overall, mostly Work & Responsibility, I feel.
  • Marriage is not a glitzy event.It is a Life time journey of Companionship with care & share and most of all hard work, sacrifice and unselfishness by both partners, to keep the home running. As the saying goes 'Roti, Kapda, Makaan Chalana with some sunshine and laughter also. Life has its great happy loving fun side and in moments too is worth all of it.
                                                        With Sudha at Woodlands
                                                          Our house "Mahalakshmi"
                                                     With our children 1984-Deepa & Vikram
                                                 Our Grandson Keshav
  • I am Thankful for  the wonderful companionship of a kind , understanding spouse Sudha, who shared and helped all along the way -- 
    Thank You Dear God
  • TR
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