Saturday 6 December 2014

Sunsets are amazing

  • Sunsets are amazing as they show up the sky in so many colours. 
    It is not the same all over and the beauty of Creation is that sunsets do look different in places -although mostly we do see reddish streaks that fade into a dull orange, leaving a sort of dull ochre glow in the sky before making way for nightfall with sunset- then we have the Twilight period before darkness.On ships we used to observe Amplitude, and later evening Star sight position calculations at Twilight. this with great care as we measured in the era of sextant navigation.
    The sunset is a breathtaking visual lesson in the colours of the varying moods and colours of the Creation at sunset.Many singers and artists have depicted it so well
    The Marathi geet by Asha Bhonsle is one such wonderful composition.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Song : Sanj Ye Gokuli
    Singer : Shridhar Phadke
    Lyrics : Sudhir Moghe
    Music : Shridhar Phadke

    Our Ancients and Elders taught us the wisdom of lighting a Lamp in the evening -a tiny symbol of the great Sun that gave us Light all day with a traditional sloka.
    शुभं करोतु कल्‍याणं आरोग्‍यं सुखसंपदा |
    शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्‍योतिर्नमोऽस्‍तु ते ||
    This means, “O Auspicious and benevolent flame of the lamp. You provide us health happiness and peace and help us go across our negative tendencies (our shatru buddhi) Salutations to you

  • Some how sunsets look different in places- the  setting sun against the back ground of clouds and the sky which in so many ways from bright clear to a tint reddish orange or even -
    Gods creation is really amazing.
  • NOTICE--Members--The Blog started with Shree Guru Datta Jayanti  developed in 2010. on a Google-Airtel link was broken due to business differences in 2012 when Google disconnected from Airtel -

    So in 2013 I realised I cannot link or write in after well over 112 blog posts, So this was suspended -
    a new blog titles" Nature Reflections" was started on Google -

    today is Shree Datta Jayanti 2014 dt 6th Dec 2014.
    PL SEE --WELCOME to this  new Blog on nature is at
    Thank you

    Thursday 27 November 2014

    Shree Subramaniam Shasti -
     27th November 2014.
    The Annual Shashti festival at Vithal main event today
    Sharing some recalls- 
    Srimath Anantheshwar Temple at Vittal was originally Sri Anand Padmanabha Temple and later changed to Anantheshwar. It has been a pilgrimage centre specially as it has Shrines dedicated to Sri Mangesh - Lord Shiva and all the other deities in the same sanctum sanctorum. The presiding deity there is Sri Ananth and the Shesanaga is explained from the Sri Visnu Saharanamavalli No.886
    Anantah: One who is eternal, all-pervading and indeterminable by space and time. Or one who has taken up the form of Adisesa called Ananta. (Explanation from R.K.Mission translation).
    The other names in this connection are:

    Anantaya, Anantharupaya, Ananthasriye, Anantajite, Ananthatmane.
    The inscription on the entrance of the temple reads as :
    "Ananta Samasara Samudra Madhye, Magnum - Sambhyudhara Vasudeva

    Anantasutre Viniyojysva, Anantharupaya - Namo Namaste. 
    WE living in Samsara get overwhelmed (magnam) and totally caught in the spells of Samsara Sagara -To the one who links all in creation as a Sutre -Vasudeva - to   Anantha                                                                                           
    To that eternal Divine, in this form, we offer our Salutations and Prayers.
    With respects,

    Love of nature--- caring for it -Plant now.

    a worthwhile new year project and resolution as 2015 approaches

     Love of nature---
    "All things bright and beautiful " The Lord God made them all, by Cecil Alexander was a song we all sang at school in primary years.It was the morning song-hymn- prayer in School till 2nd standard- and with teacher playing the piano; Most of us used to even hum and sing it at other times and this spoke  of the emphasis &  standards of educational systems then-
    Thank You GOD.  

    A Child's Life has seen many complications in the last two decades -especially with new millennium changes and stress and strain affecting all.What has really happened  to us now;..we seem to just forget what Childhood is all about.

    Today  the focus is only on progress reports,  tuition- marks, report cards and then Chill Outs- TV to cool off!!- etc and we forget the most basic part of humanity viz:

    Sensitivity is what  we alone can demonstrate to children.
    Studies confirm that  lecture-sermon-tell- teach have limitations.  
    Nature Watch ---study and to help plant grow ---is a better way. 
    Also an important part of Childhood.

    Remember the news about vanishing Sparrows and many small birds going extinct esp in cities as we humans take over all space. This subject was taken up by AIR, Vividh Bharti in a recent Radio broad cast in Tamil and extremely well conducted with tel/radio talk- 
    Most enchanting well and very done.

    The world will always have some with just economic priorities only---. summed up as Money & Matlab ---but we need to just look beyond and try our best to add value to flora & fauna- 
    In fact it also develops us more than we realise.

    Looking after an abandoned cat, dog or an injured bird or tending a garden can be most therapeutic too- medical science acknowledges this."Compassion" -"Karuna"  is partly an "inner quality within" --the nature of a person , but  also can be  a nurtured quality - We develop ....gain by the relationship we have with loved ones, elders,  our  pets.. a dog or a cat - bird--or in a garden -a creative hobby where responsibility, care and concern takes a prominent role.

    I have found that Gardening is also  great way to spend time-esp. for us grandads & grandmoms with  children and to teach them some important things about LIFE.

    This will be enjoyable for all ages and alos give a opportunity to refresh ourselves on  our reliance on Mother nature-in some cases  the fragility of our environment when misused, 
    the “law of sow and the harvest” and above the importance of work and personal responsibility in sustainability. 

    Spending peaceful hours with Nature is our Choice.
    Doing something to make it a better  is a worthwhile new year project and resolution- 
    and makes all happier...a better place  to live in.

    Best Wishes

    27th November 2014.


    Sant Kabir's  "Patta Bola Vriksh se" -Played by Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan

    In India we hardly have an Autumn season with leaves turning red and  yellow falling, as seen in temperate and cold climates -

    But all leaves one day will Dry and Fall-- is the lesson of the Doha ,

    This is one of the most beautiful compositions from Sant Kabir's Vani -and thanks to Ustad Shujaat Khan Sahib for the musical support in sitar and vocal.|| Adding: Swami Iswarananda Giri's, discourses in “Autumn Leaves” with a pun on the words – Autumn i.e. when the leaves – leave and drop off, referring to retirement or Vanaprasth in what ever way we decide .
    Today Chinmaya Mission and many others like Dignity Dialogue Forum have taken up this issue of “Griha Vanaprasth” in a changing social milieu, with dispersal of families or nuclear families and above all the isolation most Elders feel acutely. More so with smaller families...or friends and family links spread out to all corners of the globe in employment.
    This shift in our Perceptions and Attitude and Outlook on Life is suited especially to those in post 55 age group and to me is a Revision and Refreshing study-more so in last few years, my work and also reading  is reduced to minimum due to a neuro problem ( most felt at my left eye junction) Also any long reading gets hampered,But short reading &Reflection -doing help me a great deal in learning, coping and decision making
    Sant Kabir's Dohas- Vani  may appear as a bit sad, but in fact it  removes myths and moha- maya  as they address the Ultimate Reality. In  fact this actually has a gentle, calming effect and  Peace descends as we listen to the 25 minutes of the Kabir-vani lyrics of Dohas sung softly with gentle accompanying silken touch of Ustad Shujaat Khanji- son of the great maestro Vilayat Sitar.
    The bhajan-sitar  Vaadan is absolutely Divine-
    the lyrics include  " aaise vani boliye-apana tan sheetal kare-Auron ko sukha de--
    Excellent-sublime and I hope all will enjoy it as much as I have
    This outlook helps as we grow in years.
    Shared with fellow man--friends in the spirit of Sharing

    Monday 16 June 2014

    Nature study in school and in Life

    16th June 2016.

    Nature study in school and in Life down memory lane- -----
    WE used to have Nature Study classes in school till 6th Standard; then we called it " NATURE STUDY".
    it was  mainly outdoors as we had sprawling acres of grounds in our school, all wooded and filled with trees, bushes and plants.We used to call it our Woods, Jungle etc  In school we joyfully collected different kinds of  Leaves, with great excitement ; then study it-draw it and preserving it in a book as it dried , softened and was smooth; used as a book mark sometimes-
    Try with leaves, esp like Ashwattha, Bilwa, Ixxora, Pongam (Karanja),Scarlett Cordia and more.
    then with the smaller delicate one..but larger thick leaves are easier in a book  --
    Then nature study experiment  with a soft bean in a glass bottle with water and  lined with blotting paper done in class /home on  "GERMINATION" in 1956 Nature study class.
    Watch the sprouting...was a delightful pastime and we learnt.That was 1955..
    Even today many small children especially  like doing this.
    Nearly 3 decades later in 1985  I wrote a paper on Raw Cashew shipment imports  from Africa  on moisture damage to cargo with sprouting (Germination) on long voyages on just a experimental basis wit the help of my Lab Chemist - and this set in motion many papers. The Raw Cashew claims review Paper was even accepted by the Insurance Cos, the trade &  Lloyds Agentys accepted it -
    But today for me this nature watch is the greatest Relaxation.
    Nature Appreciation & meditation recd a great boost from 4 Existential Labs-through Prasanna Trust Bangalore,  attended in early 90s and it was  great experience and  to get inspired.
    All this helps more for Earth Day, Environment ,Green Peace.

    Great quotes and thoughts on Nature
    To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring—these are some of the rewards of the simple life. —John Burroughs
    To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heaven in a wild flower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.
    from-William Blake.

    " Look at the trees, look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful.  Everything is simply happy.  Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will never have any bank balance.  Look at the flowers - for no reason.  It is simply unbelievable how happy flowers are."~Osho

    Nature is amazing and delightful  


    Thursday 5 June 2014

    Trees & Tanks at temples-part 2.


    Part 2--Temple Tanks -Trees & Tanks at temples --an integral part of the philosophy of Divinity in Nature

    Teertha,Talaab,Kalyani, Pushkarini, Kunda, Sarovara,- Kolam etc. are all a part of the Hindu Temple Culture  The tanks or in some cases the Wells like at Rameswaram were  built for bathing before prayer.
    Their waters have been  given a special sacrality and so a bath is always taken here. Sadly with a population explosion and poor management in the new phenomena called Pilgrimage Tourism these Tanks are sometimes not maintained properly and get soiled.But Faith remains and the large majority take a Dip and then only offer  prayers.

    Temple Tanks also are a part of Water storage plans. They work  by the underground flow to connect rainfall in cities and helps to share the rain water received and avoid wastage by flow in drainage.Here again. much damage has been done as many tanks have been filled in and closed -or over tapped by bores in adjacent areas and are now dry.

    On the West Coast -all along the Konkan coast, the SW Monsoon is from June-Sept. and   heavy - and copious rain falls to replenish these great temple tanks -

    On the East Coast esp Tamilnadu rain is mostly from NE Monsoon which is less -So, Chennai and the surrounding areas are water starved and these tanks  often dry .Some efforts to recharge and save has been taken up in recent years.
    We Pray that Water saving, storage and underground supply charging will gain focus in this new Govt era as much neglect was seen in the last few decades.
    During the SC.Math-Prabhat Somnath Gujarat TeethYatra, we had the opportunity to see the most brilliant engineering marvels of India of the earlier time viz.the Stepp Wells  This is an extremely large deep well with brilliant masonry well .The steps going down to the water level in the well is shown ia pic taken by me during the Yatra . Such wells are called Bawlis in north India but as Vava in Gujarat; eg.Rani ke Vaav in Gujarat.They were built by Rajas and so were a special bathjing place for royalty then--later for the common man and woman.See Pic no 5 below.

    Truly a great culture and scientific system that connects science and spirituality with nature.

    Trees & Tanks at temples

    dt 5th June 2014.
    Trees & Tanks at temples;
    an integral part of the philosophy of Divinity in Nature
    Age and a slow down process in Life (and some health limitations) can some
    times bring in some unexpected surprises and pursuits--in fact Hobbies and
    learning. When I started on Temple Trees in 1998 at Ramnagar with taking

    a photo of a
    Peepal tree entwined with a Frangipani , I never realised I was on an amazing
    voyage of discovery about Ficus genus and this developed a wonderful purusit with TreeWatch..
    The study  actually began when I attended the punar  pratishta of  Sri Ram temple in Mavungal (Kanhangad Dist) inauguration. My room mate was a very nice person who had a copy of a book "Temple Culture" by one AKB Nair of Kasargode..In 2-3 days , I went through it with deep interest  at the ashram itself and managed to go through most of it, as it was a small booklet -but brilliantly researched and written. Later, spoke to him and purchased  several copies o and distributed to friends. This book is now available at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The one  titled  "Sacred Trees of Tamilnadu".by the CPR Foundation of Chennai is also very good. There are also a few papers available on  Temple Trees by some authors. ( in later years) gave an added impetous to progress on the study of  Temples and Tree Watch.
    Sthala Vriksha means the Tree of the sacred location (and specific ) is linked to the Deity in the temple and so we have Sthala (place)  Vrikshas (Tree) .
    The tree study  of  1998 began with the Peepal -Frangipani -Banyan, Oudamber (all same  Ficus genus but differ ) was an amazing start. Then the Neem and the  study gradually increased my awareness of our culture and tradition that had largely been missed earlier, as I have been  living in a metro city.
    Then as time passed in 2009--shared on sites and finally a blog "Prakruti Mother nature" .
    It has kept me happily occupied.
    If we look carefully we will find  many trees near Temples in the south especially but one Tree
    will gain  prominence -eg   Palash--Purasai (tamil)  in in Puraswalkam at Shree Gangadeeshwar Temple -Chennai., Punnai at Shree Kapaleeswar-Mylapore.
    These 5 trees have a special significance  --,  
    1 Bilwa (Aegle marmelose)
    2 Shami (Banni) (Acacia ferruginea)
    3 Ashwatha (Arali) (Ficus religiosa)
    4 Margosa (Neem) (Azadirachta indica)
    5 Audumbara (country fig) (Ficus racemosa)

    In almost every town and village,  temples in south India  maintain these great trees. 

    They also serve as a meeting centre of many social, religious and community activities of the village. It is widely believed  that these 5 Panchavati trees offer a sacred space.  
    These trees have been a source of inspiration for many of our saints and sages.
    Sadly most of the Hindus do not even care to read about Sthala Vrikshas -TR
    Contd -----

    Sunday 18 May 2014

    Shree Durga Devi Temple KARLA: -

    Shree Durga Devi Temple KARLA: -visited and darshan of July 2013. 

    The Vision of our Seers is amazing and when Shree Trust was first spoken of about 24 years ago, we never knew this loction even-i.e.-before construction even- when heard of it in in Chennai) -
    most of us never even knew the place.
    Then followed the fund raising, many hurdles and all-- but finally in early 1990s was constructed and then progressively developed. For me and my family visits -darshans as the Chennai -Mumbai trains stop at Lonavla.
    A Sabbatical- rest at the Shree Durga Devi Temple & the Sanjeevani Samadhi of Pujya Sw. Parjnanashran is a great blessing. In recent years the wonderful Saptha Seva by Mumbai Sabha weekly batch volunteers and meeting them-their gracious -kind Hospitality and seva assistance is so touching-

    Grateful thanks to All.
    The Vision of Pujya Sw. Parjnanashran to select such a special location for our Shree Durga Parameshwari temple is amazing -Shastang Namaskar
    Salutations & respects -
    “God made a beauteous garden
    With lovely flowers strewn,
    But one straight, narrow pathway
    That was not overgrown.
    And to this beauteous garden
    He brought mankind to live,
    And said "To you, my children,
    These lovely flowers I give.
    Prune ye my vines and fig trees,
    With care my flowers tend,
    But keep the pathway open
    Your home is at the end."

    God's Garden”
    ― Robert Frost

    Friday 11 April 2014

    Growing Trees in metros.

    Growing Trees in metros.

    Let us first take a look at the Value of a Tree --
    1.Trees generate Oxygen -removes CO2
    2.Recycles fertility and soil erosion control,
    3.Creates a Natural air pollution control system,  
    4.Provides shelter for birds and animals--
    5.Shade  for all mankind and creatures ;
    Besides providing flowers, fruits.

    So, when even one tree is cut, the city loses, mankind loses , all lose--

    Trees in smaller spaces in metros--- Aerial Growth space. -

    This pic has a Neem about 45 ft tall, a Bilwa of abt 30 ft and a Cotton Tree outside even --
    This is seen at Sringeri Math Temple at Mandavelli, Chennai.

    In my small compound-started in 1982-
    Pic shows a Neem in my compound in 5 ft space -over 30 years.
    In the rear space we managed 2 Coconut trees as we have 40 x 10 ft space only..

    What is needed:
    1) All that is required is Aerial Growth space,
    2) A little care in pruning in growth stages will ensure branches do not spread horizontally and the Tree will grow well--vertically. Water the tree and care for it
    Some trees can be grown and managed more easily --but Ficus genus like Ashwattha, Banyan and Oudamber will need more space and cannot be managed in small spaces. With the Metros buildings  crowding in more daily and Builders not giving much space for Greening --we have to carefully choose  suitable trees -to Plant and Take Care .

    Think before you cut a tree!

    Just a little care and concern--and assistance
    Trees need this care and we need Trees

    Nature is GOD!
    Conservation is Prayer! 

    Respects to All 


    Thursday 10 April 2014

    Reflections in April, 2014-

    On 31st. March we have the fin year ending which this time also coincides with our New Year of Yugadi; also for many in India. Tamil New Years day and Vishu and others follow in mid April.
    Writing in a reflective mood -
    For me the last year was one that can be best described as a Dizzy Bizzy Crazy year. Add in medical and all--But that's Life too- more seen with age and today perhaps a bit more stressful.

    thought"Destiny is not something we choose, but rather some thingm that walks closely and quietly beside us"
    Of things that we may be even unaware of even.
    We all now live in a world where personal circumstances may vary totally & more so with this potpourri in India, soaring inflation and a service sector --inc Banks, Insurance, esp Mediclaim, Hospital-treatment that is spinning out of control as compared to the very simple and easier times till the 80s. Even working hours have changed and meeting at a dinner table is now a thing of the past..

    Chai Time meet is a luxury and become rare!!However, we still have to make choices and take decisions setting simple goals and resolutions. 
    So what all really matters most :
    1) Time , Health & Energy Management to suit present day needs of our "body clock takes priority and helps a lot.--any age group.
    2) Renewal of Friendships (and Healing) is a vital part but often lost out with job or other pressures piling up still ! but somethings just cannot be put on hold too long either.
    Meet all your close and special people -
    3) Catch up with all personal pending items -inc domestic,finance and set in order.The list seems just endless; Sounds very basic & so simple, but working this out takes commitment anjd application and time.
    4) De -Clutter or in sailors language JETTISON, all unwanted Baggage and Focus on essentials is what I keep telling myself-as we often seem to get into too many hassles at times.
    Gentle but firm speech & words and above all keep cool helps a lot.

    5) Finally we decide where want to go-Direction and Course to Steer.
    "A friend hears the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails."

    Yugadi 31st march 2014.

    Wednesday 9 April 2014

    Monsoon Watch from a hotel balcony

    Monsoon  Watch

    Monsoon  Watch from a hotel balcony at Mumbai 2013.

    I was briefly at Mumbai for a head office meeting -and was just too tired to go out after 6pm-stayed in my room at Sea Place hotel over looking the Sea at Colaba --Water front and stared out of the window-watched the Sea and Ships & boats--some thing I never tire of doing and it refreshes me--I did not go out at all in the monsoon --(age &health -my neuro- mg is telling badly on such frenetic rush- rush trips finally!! have to stop and take breaths .. )
    Managed to take some pics of the sea front at Colaba- from Gateway ; my fav place really.

    Evokes so many memories ...esp of my life on a Coastal Tanker m.t. Jag Jwala 1966-69.

    Reflections at Dawn
    The very early morning hours of 10th Feb.found me looking out of my window at Sea palace Hotel, Mumbai- across the bay and the scene was a vivid recall of T.S. Dufferin mornings .
    The view across was misty and with some haze---as the sunrise is quite late.. past 7 am, unlike my earlier sunrise time on East Coast.The Gulls and all tiny  sea birds floating and feeding  on the waters of the silent dawn are the only signals of a city awakening, apart from  a few early morning walkers.
    The ships in the background is much the same as in 1963-5,-except now so many pleasure Yachts are moored there. 

    The serenity of the view across the bay so vividly helped  recall those short periods  after early morning bugle call of Reveille and then  the the "Fallout for Prayers" as we prayed or reflected at Dawn as Cadets - across the Sea ;
    A great experience continued over those two years as Cadets does remain etched in the recesses of one's memory..

    As the sun slowly rose in the sky-  it also reminded me of basic navigational training  like  sun's amplitude, sextant altitude and all. The mist slowly lifted and the day break continued. Crows, - raucous as they are, replaced the Gulls and slowly the traffic noise replaced the Quietude of the wonderful morning....
    Oh yes,  the beautiful scene was heightened with a Lemon Tea at The window.

     Never thought the hotel room overlooking the Sea face at Mumbai would offer such a gentle vista for a meditative space in the early hours esp. considering  the usual din of  city traffic and noise that starts later.

    Moments of Silence still reigned in the early Dawn-
    "take time to appreciate the wonders of Creation and the Creator is a truism".No wonder our Ancients valued the early hours so much as "Shubha Muhurat" and then said "Good Morning".

    Tuesday 8 April 2014

    My Jasmine creeper.

    posted on 8th April 2014 Sri Ram Navami

    Sharing my experience with Jasminum sambac ( botanical name ) .
    The Jasmine (Madhvi or Vasanti in sanskrit) is a flower for all occasions and all over the South India ( (Jadi & Mullai type) dominate -inc in the busy Chennai Metro as the preferred choice

     The Jasmine takes a special place at Pooja time as the priests chants  Malati, Mallika, Shevantaki, Bakula Champaka , Ketaki pushpa archana-- 

    We have a stotra on Mata Parvati  representing the Jasmine Creeper and adorning Lord Shiva .Most all "Sugandh" is Fragrance and synonymous with Jasmine ..and is in Lingashtakam -
    Sarva sugandhi sulepita Lingam-Buddhi vivardhana karana Lingam, Siddha surasura vandita Lingam Tat pranamami Sadasiva Lingam----Meaning; I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,Which is anointed by perfumes,Which leads to growth of wisdom,And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras.
    Jasmine -Malli--

    Some varieties are so pretty to look at eg.Gundu Malli  but without fragrance but still so nice.
    Malli -Mallika-  as it is called in southern part of India obviously comes from the full name Malati.
    I had planted two very small plants called Nitya Malli in the earth on North and West side in my small compound in 2004. 
    Honestly I feel some plants come to us by sheer Grace- Anugraha as they both some how grew well despite the fact  I had enthusiasm for plants and trees but little l idea of how to handle a Jasmine Creeper.
    The north side creeper climbed   up the wall and went onto the  adjacent shed.
    The western side creeper  was taken onto the Frangipani Tree.
    All I did was  to ensure watering and occasional Soil change and manure.
    In fact they seem to be hardy plants (creepers) and  just grew to a height of about 15 feet with sweet smelling Flowers at the top.
    After Rains esp. they would bloom even more and exude a delightful fragrance.
    All well went ---till  I called in a Helper to Trim the dry vines and dead wood as pest control isa reality in every garden .Trimming at aheight is difficult and calls for great care.Periodic trimming and pruning is necessary to control the drying out vines. I had just been absent for half an hour ( for a late breakfast on sunday) when the Helper  clipped all the Jasmine Vines on the Creeper in our house frontage and wrecked the entire Plant.-Dear God ...Helpers!!
    Vines dont grow -new have to sprout ...OMG

    Do not employ Helpers who dont understand Garden work...
    I spent a week to understand the Jasmine Creeper as very little  information is available to suit Local conditions--I share my learnings with all --who may want to plant this delightful Creeper .
    1.I went through all blogs and found there are so many Varieties of Jasmine and  names confuse . Most relate to varieties grown  overseas esp in Colder conditions. Finally came across
    2 The local Flower stores ( who deal in horticulture) and sell Plants-Saplings and other garden material  have no Botanical knowledge .Most are just sales persons to push sales and were of no help in plant advice.
    3. I finally asked around and thr Gardener who tends the corporate properties at the end of Greenways Roads was quite helpful.
    4. I learnt some lessons on this Jasmine -NItya Malli aka Chameli as it is called in north india. This  site covers a lot -
    5. Just adding on to what I learnt--5 Tips.
    1) In India it is best to grow in the earth as it really grows and spreads to heights and across ; a spot with adequate sunlight.
    A mixture of Red Earth (sem-mann) & Cowdung mix is sold  in all places for Rs 100/per gunny bag. Thie sapling to be planted in the ground after digging in and  is to be kept moist and with drainage. 
    2) Daily Watering is needed -esp in Chennai wher it can be extremely hot from April till August
    3) Fertilsier -have used only Neem Oil solution, Organo & Compost is available in packets at Rs 30 each.
    Replenish Red earth and cowdung mix when   the plant needs a pick up--
    4) Neem Oil Spray was used.
    5) Trim dried out vines with care--

    Happily a few new new Vines are sprouting in the earth- this time I will be more careful
    I learnt that trimming  of new vines  helps to propogate new vines and leaves and Flowering.
    Plan to use a wire grill to guide the creeper on to the grill by tying a string near the tip of the plant.
    Will nurture them with greater Care.  
    The plant will flower in a few months

    Other names are Jasminum grandiflorum (chameli ) Spanish jasmine.